Episode 68
#68 Self Awareness Is A Skill that Lives In The Future | Only 10%-15% of Americans Have Self Awareness | Past/Present/Future
www.mogressive.com | Self awareness is psychology, and psychology is the rule of average based on emotions and behavior. Highly Self Aware people can recognize their emotions and filter it through emotional intelligence to decide if that's how they want to feel or why they are feeling that way. And can change those feelings or emotions in a matter of seconds! Wouldn’t you like to have that superpower, go from sad, mad, frustrated, to happy, determined, confident. In a split second
Self Awareness is a skill just like anything else. It takes roughly 10,000hrs to master any skill and 61 days to develop a new habit. So the secondary question that mogressive clients ask is, How do you apply this towards my insecurities, and flip them into a positive, “Mind.Set.Goal.” Mentality.
Welcome to Mogressive! Stage One of Three - Self Awareness.